Tuesday, 11 December 2012

'tis the season to be jolly...

Hi there,

I just wanted to wish all of my readers a happy Christmas (if you celebrate it) or happy holidays, if you don't! Whether you celebrate it, or not, nobody can argue that it is a magical time of year, with all of the colourful lights and decorations everywhere. I love it, and although I have been through a very stressful time recently, (which is why my blog posts had dried up!) I am looking forward to spending some time relaxing at home, with my family.

I have also re-released my angels book again on Smashwords.com, which means it will be available in other outlets such as Barnes and Noble and itunes, very soon. I won't be making it available on amazon kindle as it has always been my intention to make this book a free book, but amazon currently doesn't let authors do this, unless they are part of their KDP select program.

So, if you fancy a free read about angels, which I feel is more relevant at this time of year than any other time, then feel free to download your free copy.

Again, happy holidays and I will catch up with you again in the New Year.


Mochira x