Friday, 28 February 2014


Hi all,

I just wanted to update you on what's been going on with me and this blog, in particular. I have decided that I want to devote this blog purely to update you on my writing and discuss things that are personal to me.

I will be creating special hubs devoted to each of my special interests over at hubpages - click this link to read my hubs dedicated to interests such as astrology, tarot and other spiritual subjects.

I hope you find them interesting.

Enjoy your weekend,


Mochira x

Monday, 6 January 2014

Updated News

Hi there,

Happy New Year to you all. Thank you for reading my ebooks and stopping by to visit my blog.
I apologise for neglecting this blog, lately; however, I listened to several people who told me that, as an author, I should really have a website of my own. I purchased my domain name and set up a site, with a little help from a web designer. Unfortunately, the site didn't get that many visitors and, to be honest, I didn't see what difference having a website made. This blog is all I need to communicate with readers and write about topics close to my heart.

I have therefore closed down my website today and I am going to be concentrating on regularly updating this blog and writing more eBooks.

I also hope to offer additional services, in the future, such as life coaching sessions and Law of Attraction courses. I also hope to make some self-hypnosis mp3s you can use to help you meditate and improve your life.

That's all for now.

Take Care,

Mochira x